Welcome to the biggest Brazilian Smart Cities event!
Interested in developing Brazilian Smart Cities ?
Then this is a matchmaking event for you
- Take the opportunity to make new international contacts, find partneres and funding for a world full of possibilities!
- Inspiring plenary sessions, informative workshops and targeted meetings promises knowledge gain and new business contacts.
The match-making event brings together companies (buyers as well as suppliers) from European countries and Brazil. This is a unique opportunity to generate new business contacts and contracts. The model is time - and cost efficient and result in business! Meetings will take place in a dedicated area and will be arranged in advance by means of this website.
Topics addressed
1) Renewable Energies and Sustainability in the urban envinronment
2) Internet of Things (IoT) and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Applied in urban solutions for:
- Health;
- Education;
- Security;
- Digital Government;
- Mobility;
- Environment and waste management
Why participate?
- As purchaser - find qualified Brazilian suppliers during effective one-to one meetings
- As market/sales manager - find new Brazilian potential customers
- As product developer - find partners to discuss new technology and innovative solutions
How can you benefit from this event?
- Publish and showcase your products, projects, services or business needs to event participants
- Initiate and arrange promising pre-scheduled meetings at the event
- Generate fresh leads and meet new contacts in a time and cost-efficient way
- Stay one step ahead of your competitors by being seen and visibly present at the event
The Top 5 objectives to make your stay a success:
- Meet Partners and Customers
- Discover New Products & Services
- Prepare Purchases or Projects
- Meet New Suppliers
- Get Information about latest's trends